Development of a Valid and Reliable Questionnaire to Evaluate an Adult’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Cholesterol Management


High levels of total cholesterol (TC) are among the top significant contributing factor for cardiovascu- lar diseases. With only less than half of the global population with good cholesterol awareness in both genders, the public’s knowledge of cholesterol is critical in potential prevention and preparedness according to World Health Organization. The aim of this paper was to develop a reliable and valid instrument to measure the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of adults on cholesterol manage- ment. The questionnaire was designed to develop an evaluation tool that can assess the risk of Filipi- no adults to hypercholesterolemia. Content validity was facilitated by eight experts in health, nutrition and medicine fields. Revisions were made based on their validation. The resulting questionnaire with satisfactory content validity index of ≥0.80 was pilot-tested on 50 random subjects. The Cronbach’s alpha was used to further determine the questionnaire’s internal consistency. The % mean score ± SD of the knowledge (58.90%±1.77), attitude (72.70%±1.95) and practices (58.20%±1.58) of this study revealed that the test subjects exhibited average awareness on cholesterol management. All key areas resulted to have a Cronbach alpha statistic of ≥0.70. The developed questionnaire with the desirable validity and reliability may be used as a reference tool to measure KAP levels on choles- terol management of adults.
Development of a Valid and Reliable Questionnaire to Evaluate an Adult’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Cholesterol Management

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