Transportation and Health Infrastructures Impact on Population Growth of Calauan, Laguna, Philippines


Studying the determinants of population growth is vital in planning communities to help planners and decision makers. This study was conducted to assess the transportationandhealthinfrastructuresasdeterminants of human population growth in the municipality of Calauan, one of the most populous and fastest annual population growth in Laguna, Philippines. The study analyzed the relationship of distance to public roads and networks and health infrastructures from human settlements with respect to barangay-level population growth in the municipality. Results showed that the average spatial proximity to all types of roads, primary roads and municipal health center have a positive relationship with respect to the population growth. The proportion of health workers is inversely proportional to the population growth. Between transportation and health infrastructure variables, the latter were tested to be significant determinants of population growth in the municipality.
Transportation and Health Infrastructures Impact on Population Growth of Calauan, Laguna, Philippines


Christian Gel Javier, Efraim Roxas, Edwin Abucay, Arnold Salvacion